For Immediate Release: March 2, 2016
Media Contacts:
Maria-Teresa Liebermann,
Annette Magnus,
Volunteers from Organizing for Action and Nevadans for Judicial Progress Will Gather at the Las Vegas Federal Courthouse In Support of a Fair Supreme Court Nomination Process
CHICAGO, IL – On Thursday, March 3rd, as part of a national Day of Action, volunteers from Organizing for Action and Nevadans for Judicial Progress will gather to call on obstructionist Senators to do their jobs and commit to a fair hearing and a timely vote for President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee. Across the country, OFA volunteers and partners like Nevadans for Judicial Progress will be holding grassroots advocacy events at Senate offices, courthouses, and other community locations to hold senators accountable to the Constitution.
WHAT: Grassroots #DoYourJob Action Event
WHERE: Las Vegas Federal Courthouse
333 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89101
WHEN: 10:00 AM
WHO: Organizing for Action and Nevadans for Judicial Progress volunteers
Ruben Garcia, professor of law at University of Nevada Las Vegas
Justin Jones, board member of Battle Born Progress
Laura Martin, associate director, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
Samantha Fredrickson, deputy director, Nevada Advocates for Planned Parenthood Affiliates
Annette Magnus, executive director of Battle Born Progress
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, and other members of the Senate declared their refusal to do their jobs even before learning who President Obama’s nominee will be. Until they commit to a fair nomination process, OFA and progressive allies including CREDO, Civic Action, Daily Kos, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Demand Progress, Americans United for Change, People For the American Way, UltraViolet Action, Color of Change, Common Cause, NextGen Climate, Every Voice, Generation Progress, and Why Courts Matter will continue to hold them all accountable.
About Nevadans for Judicial Progress: Nevadans for Judicial Progress is a coalition of organizations and individuals convened by the Institute for a Progressive Nevada/Battle Born Progress and the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada with the support of Legal Progress at the Center for American Progress.
These following 5 principles convey our goals:
- Ensuring a fully staffed judiciary so justice is not delayed.
- Bringing diversity of thought and background to our federal courts.
- Keeping our judges accountable on the issues that matter to Nevadans.
- Educating Nevadans on the importance of the courts in our day-to-day lives.
- Uncovering procedural delays on judicial confirmation processes.
About Organizing For Action: Organizing for Action (OFA) is a non-partisan, issue advocacy organization committed to growing the grassroots movement by training, educating, and activating civically engaged community members across the country. As a grassroots driven organization, OFA is dedicated to empowering action takers with the skills and tools needed to tip the scales of power back to the American people and away from the special interests in Washington, D.C. More information at