Statement on Governor Lombardo’s Refusal to Sign The Appropriations Act, Assembly Bill 520


Contact: Amber Falgout,, 775-657-0433

Statement on Governor Lombardo’s Refusal to Sign The Appropriations Act, Assembly Bill 520

Carson City, Nev. — Today, Governor Lombardo refused to sign Assembly Bill 520, also known as the Appropriations Act. This measure would fund crucial services like health care, foster care, highway patrol, grant programs, and Medicaid.  

Annette Magnus, Executive Director of Battle Born Progress, released the following statement:

“Tonight, Governor Joe Lombardo failed Nevada. He failed the agencies that got our state through COVID and make Nevada run. By vetoing AB520, Governor Lombardo is exhibiting a blatant disregard for the needs and welfare of our most vulnerable populations. This action tonight is completely irresponsible. Appropriations bill AB520 included funding for vital state services that the Governor is allowing to hang in the balance. Medicaid serves as a lifeline for countless individuals who rely on its support for essential healthcare services. Mental health services, too, are critical for addressing the growing mental health crisis in our communities, and by obstructing their funding, Governor Lombardo is directly impeding progress in this area. The bill additionally provides funding for the public option passed in 2021, and funding to strengthen our public safety and support our small businesses — directly compromising the future of our state’s ability to secure the physical and financial well-being of our neighbors.

Governor Lombardo’s refusal to sign this act not only exacerbates existing disparities in access to healthcare and mental health services but also undermines the public’s trust in the democratic process, and allows our small businesses and public safety to suffer for the sake of petty politics. As elected officials, it is the duty of our leaders to prioritize the well-being of their constituents and act in their best interests. 

Governor Lombardo’s actions demonstrate a failure to fulfill this duty, which is deeply disappointing and unacceptable. We call on Governor Lombardo to reconsider his decision and swiftly sign the appropriations act into law, thereby ensuring that crucial funding for Medicaid, mental health services, and election reforms can be allocated as intended. The people of our state deserve better, and it is our collective responsibility to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions that directly impact the lives of our fellow citizens. Thank you to Majority Leader Cannizzaro and Speaker Steve Yeager for holding firm in their resolve to deliver for the people of Nevada, and fighting to ensure that our state has the funding it needs moving into the next biennium.”

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